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RMN de sobremesa utilizada para medir revestimientos fluorados en fibras y textiles

RMN de sobremesa utilizada para medir revestimientos fluorados en fibras y textiles

Coated fabric is a fabric or cloth processed by a special process. Mainly based on the cloth, a special process is used to coat a layer of material with special functions, which adds special functions to the cloth. Entonces, También se le llama tela o tela recubierta funcional..

Los recubrimientos fluorados se utilizan comúnmente en fibras y textiles para proporcionar resistencia al aceite., resistencia al agua, easy cleaning, and flame retardant properties. It can be used for carpets, productos al aire libre, and high-performance clothing. Controlling the amount of fluorinated coating is very critical. Controlling the content of fluorinated coating can optimize the process and enhance the performance of the product. Low-field NMR can be used to measure fluorinated coatings quickly, simply, and accurately.

Basic principles of Benchtop NMR nuclear magnetic method:

The nuclear magnetic analysis technology is based on the direct measurement of fluorine 19 RMN (RMN) signal. Since the fluorine content is directly proportional to the intensity of the detected nuclear magnetic fluorine signal, el contenido de flúor (% en peso) se puede calcular utilizando una curva de calibración adecuada.

After using 3~6 samples with known fluorine content for calibration, the unknown samples can be tested within 30 segundos para 3 minutos. El proceso de prueba es rápido y no destructivo., and industrial online process testing can be realized.

Compared with chemical methods, nuclear magnetic methods have better reproducibility, do not require chemical solvents, and can be operated by untrained personnel.

The advantages of Benchtop NMR:

1. The test speed is fast, and the test can be completed in a few seconds at the fastest.

2. the instrument calibration is simple.

3. Comparado con los métodos tradicionales., the repeatability and reproducibility of nuclear magnetic method are much better.

4. The nuclear magnetic method can be used for quality inspection and quality control in the industrial production process, Ahorrar mano de obra y mejorar significativamente la eficiencia..

5. The instrument is easy to operate, no specialized technical personnel are required, and it is easy to operate by untrained personnel.

6. Powerful function, suitable for fluorine content test of fiber and textile products.

7. There is no requirement on the shape of the sample. The sample can be powder, gránulo, película o bloque.

8. The nuclear magnetic method is a non-invasive, non-destructive test, y la misma muestra se puede medir repetidamente según sea necesario.

9. The nuclear magnetic signal is generated by all hydrogen nuclei in the entire sample volume, and the test result does not depend on the sample surface or the color of the sample.

10. It can be used to test the 1H content in some raw materials and chemical products.

11. It can be used to test oil and water content in other chemical products.



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