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СтатьиЕда & сельское хозяйство

Определение содержания жира и влаги в кормах

Фон приложения

Fat content is an important nutritional and quality control parameter during feed production. The energy of fat is high, Increasing the fat content in the feed can improve the energy level and save protein. Однако, if the fat content in the feed is too high, after long-term intake, the animal’s liver will accumulate too much fat, resulting in fatty liver disease which will affect the growth of the animal, and even causing death in severe cases. By contrary, if the fat content of the feed is too low, the energy in the feed is insufficient, and the amount of essential fatty acids provided by the fat cannot meet the growth needs of the animals.

Moisture content is an important parameter for product quality as well. If the moisture content is too high or too low, it will affect the feed quality and can complicate or even make further processing impossible. The most suitable moisture content (usually less than 10%) prevents feed spoilage and extends expiration date. Поэтому, we need a fast and reliable measurement of fat and moisture content to optimize feed production processes. Low-field NMR method can quickly and accurately measure the fat and moisture content of feed. Low field NMR analyzer can work at the site of factory, to provide a strong guarantee for product process optimization and quality control.

Application Principles

Интенсивность сигнала ЯМР пропорциональна содержанию протонов водорода в сырье.. Мы можем построить калибровочную кривую между содержанием жира или воды и интенсивностью сигнала ЯМР.. Скорость релаксации сигнала ЯМР связана с состоянием протонов водорода.. В ленте, вода прочно связана с твердой матрицей, пока жир свободен. Сигнал воды или жира можно отличить по разнице в скорости релаксации.. Чтобы реализовать быстрое обнаружение содержания жира и воды.

Niumag product application

Probe coil diameter: 25мм

Sample volume: 10ml


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