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Investigación de RMN de campo bajo sobre el estrés por frío en el arroz

Investigación de RMN de campo bajo sobre el estrés por frío en el arroz

What is Cold Stress?

El estrés por frío es un factor importante que afecta la distribución geográfica y el crecimiento de las plantas.. Las bajas temperaturas pueden dañar las plantas, especialmente cuando ocurren heladas repentinas, lo que resulta en una reducción de la productividad y la calidad de los cultivos.

Types and Characteristics of Cold Stress in Rice

  1. Delayed chilling injury: In the vegetative growth period, sometimes including the reproductive growth period, rice encounters the harm of lower temperature for a long time, which weakens the physiological activity of the rice plant, delays the growth, and delays the heading and flowering, which cannot be fully Grain matures resulting in significant yield reduction.
  2. Barrier-type chilling injury: During the reproductive and growing period of rice, rice suffers from a relatively strong low temperature for a short period of time, which destroys the physiological mechanism of the flower organ, resulting in sterile spikelets, a large number of empty shells, and serious yield reduction.
  3. Mixed chilling damage: In the same year, delayed chilling damage and obstacle chilling damage occur simultaneously. Low temperature in the early growth stage delays the growth and development of root, stem, and leaf tillers, delays the differentiation of rice ears, delays heading, and affects yield. Booting, heading, and low temperature during flowering will cause the spikelets to be sterile or partially sterile, delay maturation, and produce a large number of empty seedlings.

Daño del estrés por frío en el arroz

  1. La baja temperatura debilita la fotosíntesis, mainly because low temperature causes protein denaturation in chloroplasts and reduces the activity of enzymes, thereby reducing the photosynthetic intensity of plants.
  2. La baja temperatura reduce la intensidad de la respiración.. La respiración es una condición indispensable para mantener el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas.. During the growth process of rice, the respiration intensity decreases by 1.6 a 2.0 times for every 10 °C drop in temperature from the optimum temperature.
  3. The influence of low temperature on the absorption of mineral nutrients. The energy for the roots to absorb mineral elements comes from respiration. The low temperature weakens the respiration of the roots, and the energy needed to supply plants to absorb mineral nutrients is reduced, resulting in a weakening of the absorption rate of nutrients by plants. Se altera el equilibrio de nutrientes de las plantas..
  4. El impacto de la baja temperatura en la operación de nutrientes.. La baja temperatura no sólo reduce la intensidad fotosintética de las plantas de arroz, affects the absorption of mineral nutrients by the root system, but also hinders the transportation of photosynthetic products and nutrient elements to the growth organs, reduciendo la velocidad de operación.

Research on Cold Stress in Ricelow-field NMR method

El arroz es el cultivo alimentario más importante de mi país., but it is very sensitive to cold stress. When the rice seedlings encounter low temperature weather, the rice seedlings will suffer from growth retardation, amarillamiento, retraso del crecimiento, withering and even death, which seriously affects the growth, development and yield of rice. Improving the cold stress resistance of rice seedlings is of great significance for reducing the loss of rice seedlings from cold damage and promoting direct seeding of rice.

Actualmente, el low-temperature NMR El sistema de prueba se ha aplicado en muchos campos, como el de los alimentos., agricultura, materiales porosos, etc.. It can carry out physical property analysis and process kinetic research, especially in quantitative and qualitative analysis of the moisture distribution, moisture binding state, and moisture migration of samples. Con sus ventajas únicas, it also has the function of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, which can obtain the moisture/oil of the sample from one-dimensional quantitative analysis to two-dimensional spatial distribution in a non-destructive, fast and intuitive manner. The equipment is equipped with an online low temperature variable temperature module, which can control the temperature by program, which can meet the relevant research in the simulated low temperature environment of food and agriculture.




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