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Spin Finish NMR

Spin Finish NMR

Spin finish NMR is the NMR instrument to test the oil content on fiber.

Spin Finish NMR Background

Fiber is a kind of material from several microns to tens of microns in diameter or slightly thicker, with two lengths many times larger than the diameter (a thousand times or more).

With natural or synthetic polymer material as raw materials, after chemical or physical processing of the fiber. Due to the different sources of the polymer compounds used, it can be divided into artificial fibers with natural polymer materials and synthetic fibers with synthetic polymer materials.

Spin Finish NMR Necessity

The processing of fiber is a continuous production process. One of the processes is fiber oiling which is spin coating. The oiled fiber is not easy to generate static electricity and is easy to process. Then, how much oil is needed? and how do we know about the oil content?

if there is less oil, static electricity will still be existing. If there is too much oil, the fibers are easy to stick, which is not easy to process and also wastes oil. Therefore, we use our NMR analyzer to detect the oil content of fiber samples to quickly obtain Conclusion to guide the production and the quality control in time.

Spin Finish NMR Principle

Low field NMR method is to test the NMR signal generated by hydrogen protons in the oil on the fiber as the determination standard, the intensity of NMR signal is proportional to the oil content of the fiber. Using the fiber with known oil content as the standard sample, the NMR signal of the fiber is measured, and then the NMR signal of the fiber to be measured under the same conditions, and the oil content can be obtained by comparing the two.

Spin Finish NMR Signal of oil and moisture

Spin Finish NMR Advantages:

  • NMR solves everything in one click
  • Efficient single measurement about 30 ~ 1min out of the results, to achieve high throughput test, can timely feedback production, improve the good rate of products; For viscose fiber, it can also detect moisture regain & oil content.
  • Green environmental protection without any reagent, low energy consumption
  • Nondestructive testing tests do not destroy the sample, can be reproduced
  • Save testing costs reduce labor costs and reduce health insurance costs due to exposure to chemicals

Spin Finish NMR analyzer




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