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T1 Relaxation time and T1 weighted imaging of MRI contrast agent

T1 Relaxation time and T1 weighted imaging of MRI contrast agent

T1 relaxation time measurement:NMI20 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, niumag corporation, resonant frequency: 21.170MHz

T1 weighted image:NMI20 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, niumag corporation, resonant frequency: 21.170MHz

MRI contrast agent Sample preparation

Preparate two contrast agents #1 as 25mg/ml、12.5mg/ml、6.25mg/ml、3.125mg/ml and 1.563mg/ml, respectively. The samples numbered as Table 1.Then the samples detected in the 25mm coil.

Table 1 Sample Number

T1 Relaxation Time and Relaxavity

Through measuring the Longitudinal Relaxation Time by inversion recovery pulse sequence(IR) to obtain the recovery time(t) and corresponding amplitude value M(t) of the original data. Then fitting t-M(t) curve with sigle-index model M(t)=M(0)(1-2e(-t/T1)) to obtain the Longitudinal Relaxation Time.

T1 Weighted MRI

T1 weighted image repressed the long relaxation signal and heighten the short relaxation signal, so the shorter the relaxation time is the lighter(deeper of red) the spots are in the picture(color map).

T1 Weighted MRI

Related product:MRI Contrast Agent Imager & Analyzer

T1 Relaxation time and T1 weighted imaging of MRI contrast agent - Articles - 5



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