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The difference between X-ray,MRI and CT

With the advancement of scientific medical technology, we can conduct more detailed and accurate inspections through medical instruments and equipment during the medical treatment process. The three most common methods of inspection are X-ray, MRI and CT, which are three indispensable and accurate methods for modern medicine. However, these three methods of inspection, for non-medical subjects, there are certain difficulties in understanding the differences between the three. Next, let’s introduce the difference between the three, and teach you to understand X-ray, MRI training and CT in a picture. Let’s take a look!


Definition: X-ray, also known as X-ray, is an electromagnetic wave with strong penetrating power, high energy, photo-sensing and fluorescence. Medically, X-rays are used to make different penetrating powers for different densities, and the final imaging causes the fluorescence and the sensitization to show different shades of shadow, and judge whether a certain part of the human body is normal.
Hazard: Because X-rays have the effect of inhibiting or destroying the irradiated tissue, long-term exposure to X-rays can cause a lot of damage to the human body, or can cause secondary damage to damaged cells, tissues, organs, etc. , sleep disorders, low hematopoietic function can be symptoms.

Definition: MRI imaging (MRI) is a new medical imaging technology that utilizes the principle of MRI. It has excellent diagnostic functions for various organs in the human body. The imaging is clear and fast, and the lesions can be accurately and timely detected.
Hazard: It will not have an impression on human health, but it is noisy during the inspection process. People with claustrophobia and metal substances in the body should not use this type of inspection.

Definition: CT is a new inspection and diagnosis method developed on X-rays. The image obtained by processing the corresponding data by different absorption and transmittance of X-ray, γ-ray, etc. by different tissues of the human body. In the case of accurately finding the cause, it compensates for the deficiency of human body lesions caused by X-ray examination.
Hazard: It has a certain amount of radiation, so this pregnant woman has to use this method to diagnose.


X-ray is like “squashing the banana”, it will pass through the human body, encounter the blocked part, the film will not be exposed, and the part is white after washing.
CT is like cutting a banana into pieces, showing that body bleeding, calcification, bones, air and fat are more advantageous;
MRI is equivalent to “shake and look again” and is superior to CT in soft tissue examination.
As can be seen from the above figure, X-ray can find more obvious lesions; MRI can be imaged in any plane of three-space, and can view the inspection site in all directions; CT shows accurate details.



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