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Распределение воды в продуктах питания

Распределение воды в продуктах питания

NMR analysis of water has an important theoretical basis, which is the joint induction theory proposed by Ling in 1962: the inherent charge of the macromolecule and the opposite charge connected to it force a large amount of water to form a polar multilayer model. За счет удержания молекул воды, разница в скорости затухания показана в спектре ЯМР. Чем больше сдержанность, тем меньше время релаксации. Обычно, воду можно разделить на три типа: бесплатная вода, Неподвижная вода и связанная вода.

Water Distribution of Drying of Pork at Different Temperatures

Pork drying at different temperaturesoil and water distributionwater migrationcross section water distribution

Water Distribution MRI of Lentinula Edodes Under Different Drying Conditions

In the relaxation spectrum, the greater the peak time, the greater the corresponding water activity. The larger the peak signal intensity or area, the more water content corresponds to the water state
With the increase of drying time, the peak intensity of T22 and T23 gradually decreased, то есть, the content of non-flowing water and free water gradually decreased. The peak position gradually moved to the left, то есть, the water activity gradually decreased.

Water Distribution Change during Shrimp Dehydration

With the extension of the drying time, the size of the brighter area continues to decrease, indicating that the signal of the long relaxation water is lost during the dehydration process.

Water Distribution Change of Single-family Corn During Soaking

Water Distribution MRI of Fruit and Vegetables





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