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[Wonderful Review] The 11th National Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology and Application Seminar Successfully Completed

NMR Analyzer
▲ Photo taken at the conference


On November 14-16, the season of the autumn season, the country of Tianfu, the 11th National Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology and Application Seminar ended successfully in Chengdu. More than 80 representatives from experts, professors and scholars from the energy and mineral fields of major petroleum universities across the country attended the conference. More than 30 reports were presented in a ten-and-a-half-day period. This conference provides a platform for exchanges between peers in related fields to promote academic exchanges and technological advancement at home and abroad.

Addressing from guest

Time domain NMR
Secretary of the China Instrument and Control Society
, Analytical Instrument Branch – Liu Changkuan
Rock Core NMR system
Vice President of Southwest Petroleum University – Zhang Liehui

On the morning of November 15th, the opening ceremony of the conference, the Secretary of the Instrumentation Society of China Instrumentation Society Liu Changkuan and the Vice President of Southwest Petroleum University Zhang Liehui respectively delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the organizers and organizers.

Professor Wei Bing, Professor Tang Hongming, Professor Liu Hongwei from Southwest Petroleum University, Professor Zhang Junzhi from Zhejiang University of Technology, and Professor Dong Yanhui from the Institute of Geophysical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other seven experts gave a wonderful theme report on the research results based on low field nuclear magnetic resonance NMR Analyzer technology.

rock Core analyser

Joint co-construction

As one of the important customers of Newmarket’s analysis, Southwest Petroleum University introduced the low-field NMR equipment of Newmarket analysis as early as ten years ago.

In order to further strengthen the cooperation between the two, give full play to the advantages and potentials of Newman’s analysis in the field of equipment R&D and engineering practice, Southwest Petroleum Earth Science and Technology College (hereinafter referred to as “Geotechnical Institute”) in talent training and application of results. The two sides jointly established the “Cryogenic NMR Porous Media Joint Research Laboratory”

rock core nmr device
▲Certificate of low temperature nuclear magnetic resonance porous media research laboratory

The conference report is wonderful

As a professional academic conference, the second day’s report is still the “big-name finale”. Professors from Southwest Petroleum University, Yangtze University, and Chongqing Institute of Science and Technology share their research results in logging, exploration, and mining.

oil content NMR
▲ Southwest Petroleum University, Dr. Fu Yonghong

Dr. Jiang Yuqiang from the Institute of Geosciences of Southwest Petroleum University, Dr. Fu Yonghong, discussed the application of low field NMR technology in unconventional reservoir evaluation.

Spin finish NMR
▲ CNOOC Unconventional Experimental Center Dr. Liu Cheng

Dr. Liu Cheng from the Unconventional Technology Research Institute of Engineering Technology Branch of CNOOC Energy Development Co., Ltd. shared the “Water Occurrence Status and Gas and Water Identification Method for Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs in the Eastern Margin of the Ordos Basin”.

Magnetic Resonance Image
▲ Professor Zhang Gong of Yangtze University

Successfully ended

The 11th National Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology and Application Seminar (Energy Special Session) was successfully concluded. So far, this low-field NMR conference has also ended perfectly. From the food life sciences special in Guangzhou in May 2019 to the energy geotechnical specials in Chengdu in November, nearly 50 professional academic reports were drawn for this session. A full stop.

Benchtop MRI
NMR Analyzer

Again, this is not the end, everything may just begin, perhaps it is taking root, and I hope that more scientific research results of low-field nuclear magnetic will make a wonderful appearance at next year’s meeting!

See you next year!



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