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ArtículosAlimento & Agricultura

Alimento & Agriculture Low-Field NMR Applications

Alimento & Agriculture Low-Field NMR Applications

Water molecule is the key factor of food quality. It influences the food’s taste, storage and process. At the same time, the oil content is also important to food quality. Además, in the process of the grains and oil’s production, the oil content of oilseeds, cream cake and feedstuff is very important. NIUMAG’s low-field NMR instruments can easily measure the water phase, distribución del agua, oil content and oil distribution of food and grains.
Qualitative Test (Agricultura)
Study on distribution and mobility of moisture for crops
Study on distribution and mobility of moisture for Tobacco and wood

Quality Test (Alimento)

Detection of waste oil
Detecting adulteration of milk, honey
Edible gelatin and industrial gelatin identification
Study on distribution and mobility of moisture
Moisture migration investigation during drying and rehydration process;
Preservation, storage, quality and shelf life investigation
Moisture migration process study of frozen and thawed of food
Inert gas hydrate studies on the impact of food preservation
Research on the frozen food quality
Food freezing point , unfrozen water content determination
Sea cucumber swelling process studies

During the initial stage of immersion, the external water mainly transformed into intracellular water after entering internal body, the bound water (A22) also increased.
With the proceeding of immersion, the internal structure of cucumber continually expanding, the bound water (A22) migrated gradually to the free water (A23).
Also during the immersion process, the activity of body water increased.
Content Test (Alimento)

Moisture content
Oil content
Determinación del contenido de grasa sólida.
Tg(glass transition temperature)of food
Compared with oil & moisture content



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