MesoMR Small Animal MRI System
Descripción del Producto
MesoMR is specially designed for in-vivo observation of animals. It is a permanent magnet system that provides high contrast images and has an intuitive interface. Como instrumento de resonancia magnética potente y no destructivo, Este sistema se utiliza ampliamente en ciencias biológicas para el estudio in vivo de estructuras tisulares y dispersión de agentes de contraste.. The NIUMAG small animal MRI system is robust and has low operating and maintenance costs.
Parametros basicos:
- Imán: permanent magnet 0.5±0.05T
- Investigacion: Ø60mm
- Dimensions (l, W., h): 1540mm×800mm×1200mm
- Total Weight: 800 kg (Imán 700 kg, control cabinet 100 kg)
- Drug delivery in body
- Contrast agent in body
- Evaluation of drug treatment of cancer
- Drug targeting judgment
- Screening for tumor lesion location
- Evaluation of Nano agent relaxation effectiveness

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